Respecting your privacy and your Personal Data is a priority for Planète Mascottes.

The charter for the protection of your personal data (hereinafter referred to as “the Charter”) sets out the commitments we make to you with regard to the collection, use and archiving of your Personal Data.

We may change this Privacy Policy in order to better meet your needs. You will be notified of any such changes.

1. A few definitions

Whenever the terms below are used in the Charter with a capital letter, the definition given below applies.

Site means the Internet site that can be viewed from a Web browser and accessed at Planète Mascottes: Achat Mascotte ¤ Déguisement ¤ Costume (

Personal Data or Data refers to information that allows, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, to identify you directly (your name, etc.) or indirectly (your nickname, an identifier, your IP address, etc.).

Data controller means the person who defines the type of information collected and the use made of this information. The data controller is Planète Mascottes, represented by Antoine VERNE.

You can contact us at [email protected]

Cookie(s) is a small computer file that is automatically installed on your browser. These files are stored temporarily on your smartphone/tablet/computer. They may be necessary to enable use of the Site or, in certain cases, to facilitate its use.

Host refers to the entity that offers a website hosting service.

Service refers to the mission that you have entrusted to us and which leads us to collect a certain amount of your Data.

2. What Data is concerned?

In strict compliance with the RGPD, we only collect your Data when it is necessary to enable the performance of the Service or when you have given us your consent for your Data to be used.

This data may have been supplied to us directly by you via a form or direct contact (surname, first name, telephone number, e-mail) or may be collected indirectly, via the use of Cookies when you browse our Site, provided you have given your consent.

We collect the following Data:

  • identification data: surname, first name, e-mail address, physical address ;
  • data relating to our relationship with you: requests for information, your connection data (in connection with the Cookies defined in our Site’s Cookies policy).

3. Why do we collect your Data?

Your data is collected, used and stored transparently, confidentially and securely.

Your Data is collected for :

  • enable us to carry out the service you wish to entrust to us
  • to ensure the proper functioning and improvement of the Site by helping us to improve our Site by compiling statistics, particularly with regard to the information consulted
  • allow you to receive our news and invitations to events, once you have agreed to this principle
  • enable us to process requests to exercise your rights
  • enable us to respond to official requests from public or judicial authorities empowered to do so.

Legally, we are authorized to collect your identification data in order to provide the Service.

We will only use your data for marketing purposes if you have given us your consent to do so. If you have refused, we will not send you any marketing material. You can change your mind at any time.

By accepting our privacy policy, you authorize us to send you our newsletter, and in general information about Planète Mascottes.

4. Who is responsible for protecting your data?

The Data Controller is the entity that collects your Data and is responsible for its security.

We take all necessary measures to protect the Data that you agree to entrust to us, in particular by limiting access to such Data to persons involved in the provision of the Service and by securing access to such Data.

5. Who has access to my Data?

Only persons involved in the provision of the Service may have access to your Data.

Under no circumstances will your Data be the subject of a commercial exchange. We do not share, sell, transfer or distribute your Data to third parties, unless required by law.

However, we may transfer data to organizations with which we collaborate to ensure the smooth running of the Service, whether they be partners or suppliers, or service providers working alongside us to manage the business (accountants, administrative assistants, etc.). These service providers may temporarily host your Data. We make sure that they guarantee the same rights as we do for the protection of this Data.

These structures act as subcontractors within the framework of the RGPD and undertake to comply with all applicable provisions: data collected from time to time by these service providers will only be used within the framework of the contracts that bind us and under no circumstances for their benefit.

6. How long do you keep my Data?

In order to fulfil the purposes defined in point 2 (“Why we collect your Data”) we store your Data in a readable format for the following periods:

  • Data collected via the contact form: maximum duration of one year.
  • Data collected via cookies: maximum duration of one year
  • Data collected as part of our contractual relationship: duration of the service plus a period of 3 years, assuming you have given your consent for us to contact you. In addition, the data required for invoicing purposes is kept for a period of 10 years, in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

After these periods, your Data is deleted as soon as our legal obligations are fulfilled.

7. What are my rights?

You have the right :

  • access to your Data and the right to have them corrected, completed and updated.
  • lock or delete your Data if you have noticed errors, inaccuracies or the presence of data whose collection, use, communication or storage would be prohibited;
  • change your mind at any time and withdraw your consent to the use of your Data.
  • request that your Data be kept unused for a certain period of time (e.g. when you request rectification of your Data).
  • to oppose the use of your Data for a specific purpose. In this case, you must explain the reasons for your request, based on your particular situation. However, you may object to commercial prospecting without giving any reason.
  • request the portability of your Data. This is the possibility for you to retrieve your Data in a readable format, and to retain it or pass it on to a third party.
  • define the fate of your Data after your death. In other words, you can choose to allow your Data to be passed on to a third party of your choice, or to prohibit any communication of your Data.

To find out more about your rights, please visit the CNIL website(

8. How can I exercise my rights?

To exercise your rights, simply send us an e-mail to [email protected], enclosing a copy of your identity document (we will not keep a copy of this document, which will be destroyed once your identity has been verified). We will process your request as quickly as possible.

If you consider that, despite the care we have taken to reply to you, we have not respected your rights, you may lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

You can contact the CNIL via the form on their website( You can also write to them at the following address: CNIL – 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

9. Who do I contact if I have questions?

You can contact us at any time at [email protected]

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.